Faculty of Computer Science

Map of the campus

University campus – map

University campus - aerial photo

  1. Rector’s Office. Faculty of Computer Science, 45A Wiejska St
  2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 45C Wiejska St
  3. Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Main Assembly Hall, 45D Wiejska St
  4. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 45E Wiejska St
  5. Inno-Eko-Tech: Innovative Research and Education Centre for Alternative Energy Sources,
    Energy-efficient Construction and Environmental Protection
  6. Centre for Modern Education, 16 Zwierzyniecka St:
    Foreign Language Centre,
    Admissions and Training Support Centre
  7. Academic Incubator of Entrepreneurship and Selected New Technologies of Bialystok University of Technology.
    GWINT Student Club, 10 Zwierzyniecka St
  8. Academic Sports Centre, 41 Wiejska St

DS1 – Alfa Student Residence Hall, 14 Zwierzyniecka St
DS2 – Beta Student Residence Hall, 12 Zwierzyniecka St
DS3 – Gamma Student Residence Hall, 8 Zwierzyniecka St
DS4 – Delta Student Residence Hall, 6 Zwierzyniecka St

H – Assistants’ Hostel, 4 Zwierzyniecka St

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