Faculty of Computer Science

Research projects

Some of ongoing research projects
International projects:
  • European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) project; Number: BM1304 (project title: Applications of MR imaging and spectroscopy techniques in neuromuscular disease: collaboration on outcome measures and pattern recognition for diagnostics and therapy development). Participation in management committee and WG4 working group (work topic: Explore strategies for muscle imaging texture analysis) (years: 2013 – 2017). Link: http://myo-mri.eu/working-group/explore-strategies.
  • ImPRESS project – International Interdisciplinary PhD studies in Biomedical Research and Biostatistics. Supporting the career and training in omic-based research and biostatistics by inter-national and-sectoral mobility. Project of the Medical University of Bialystok, in which the Bialystok University of Technology is a partner university. The project includes training in large-scale technology-based research and biostatistics and career support for young scientists through international and inter-sectoral mobility. The project is funded under the call of COFUNF 2016 Maria Skłodowska-Curie of the Horizon 2020 Programme. (years: 2018 – 2023). Link: http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/210603_en.html
National projects:
  • STRATEGMED MOBIT project funded by The National Centre for Research and Development (NCRD): “Creation of a reference model for Personalized Diagnostics of Cancer Tumors based on the analysis of tumor heterogeneity using genomic biomarkers, transcriptome and metabolome and PET/MRI imaging studies as a tool for implementing and monitoring individualized therapy”. Number: STRATEGMED2/266484/2/NCBR/2015  (years: 2015 – 2018). The main objective of the MOBIT project is to create a novel model of personalized diagnosis of cancerous tumors based on an innovative system of biobanking of biological material and large-scale omic analyses of patients with the most common malignancies.
  • project funded by NCRD under the Intelligent Development Operational Programme 2014 – 2020: “Sensor system in vehicles for post-accident condition recognition with information transmission to eCall reception point” (years: 2017 – 2020). The aim of the project is to develop methods to pre-determine the condition and number of injured people using smart sensors and transmitting them according to eCall standards to an emergency response center.
  • project funded by National Science Centre (NSC) (call: PRELUDIUM 5): “Evolutionary algorithms in global model tree induction”. Number: 2013/09/N/ST6/04083 (years: 2014 – 2017).
  • project co-financed by European Funds, under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development (measure 2.3 “Pro-innovative services for enterprises”, sub-measure 2.3.2 “Innovation vouchers for SMEs”): “Implementation of a system for automatic recognition of features of medical products from textual sources describing their properties” (years: 2017 – 2018).
  • project funded by NSC (call: OPUS 17): “Relative relation analysis in integrated omics data mining”, Number: 2019/33/B/ST6/02386. The aim of this study is to verify the hypothesis that analysis of integrated omics data using relationships and dependencies between characteristics of an individual patient can be successfully used for prognosis and diagnostic support (years: 2020 – 2023).
  • project funded by NSC (call: PRELUDIUM 13): “Image segmentation methods integrating texture analysis and deformable models” Number: 2017/25/N/ST6/01849. The aim of the work is to develop new segmentation methods, their validation and efficient implementation, allowing their practical application in the analysis of medical imaging (years: 2018 – 2023).  
  • commissioned work (Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna): “Audit model based on continuous risk assessment methodology and control mechanisms using statistical methods and artificial intelligence” (years: 2021 – 2023)
  • internal grants at Bialystok University of Technology

The Department realized the National Science Center project number 2016/21/B/HS4/02004 (2017-2020). Several members of the Department took part in projects financed by the National Science Center carried out in other institutions.

Research projects carried out within the Department
International projects:
  • International project Multifunctional Innovative Learning Assisting Network for VET in Advanced Manufacturing,The main goal of the MILAN project is the elaboration of an innovative training course in the field of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality usage in the education of Robotics and Automation. Project website http://milan-project.eu
  • European Network on Ion Track Technology (Contract HPRN-CT-2000-00047).
  • European RTN Marie Curie “CELLION” MRTN-CT-2003-503923
  • EURONS Contract number 506065
  • AVAL (Autonomous Vessel with an Air Look), POIR.04.01.04-00-0025/16-00
  • Modular surveying-inspecting system based on a flying multirotor platform powered from a ground station, POIR.01.02.00-00-0072/16
National projects:
  • National project „MOOC@PB-Nowoczesne technologie w procesie kształcenia”
    As a part of the project, e-learning courses will be created on the Polish MOOC (massive open online course) educational platform available at navoica.pl. The courses will be intended for everyone interested in learning and acquiring new competences and skills. The courses will be free. The Faculty of Computer Science has prepared the following courses: Analysis and processing of biometric images, Human recognition using biometric methods
    Type of competition: Operational Program KNOWLEDGE EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT III. Higher education for the economy and development, 3.1 Competences in higher education.
  • Modular observation and inspection system based on a multi-rotor flying platform powered from a ground station (MISIO)
  • Autonomous Vessel with Air Look (AVAL)
    Project title: Application research in the field of navigation, control, communication and data exchange technologies between autonomous ships and aircraft.
    Project number: POIR.04.01.04-00-0025/16, http://aval-project.pl/
  • Vehicle sensor system for post-accident recognition with information transmission to the eCall reception desk
    Institution, type: NCBiR, Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 action 4.1, sub-action 4.1.2
  • Project Biometrics and telecare basics for personal computers, mobile devices and embedded systems („Podstawy biometrii i teleopieki na komputery osobiste, urządzenia mobilne i systemy wbudowane”),
    The Motorola Solutions Foundation – Thematic areas:
    The Motorola Solutions Foundation will focus its activities on two key areas: (1) technological and engineering education, and (2) public safety education. Programs that successfully combine these two content areas are a priority.
  • 2021: ZIREG – Integrated Program of Bialystok University of Technology for Regional Development – Development of teaching materials for the subject “Advanced Internet of Things”
  • Development of an e-learning course for the NAVOICA platform entitled “Introduction to sensor programming”. Works carried out as part of the project MOOC@PB (POWR.03.01.00-IP.08-00-MOC/18).
Examples of Research and Development projects
  • 2020 – 2023: The National Centre for Research and Development grant „Audit model based on the methodology of continuous risk assessment and control mechanisms using statistical methods and artificial intelligence”
  • 2020-2022: Implementation of a project in the field of artificial intelligence in conversational systems (Next Sell 2.0)
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