Faculty of Computer Science

Department of Digital Media and Computer Graphics

Head of the Department – Prof. Khalid Saeed, DSc, PhD, MSc, BSc Eng

k.saeed [at] pb.edu.pl 

Scientific and didactic employees

Name and surname Room Phone E-mail
Adam Borowicz, PhD, Eng 9C 85 746 91 08 a.borowicz[at]pb.edu.pl
Teodora  Dimitrova-Grekow, PhD, Eng 133 85 746 91 60 t.grekow[at]pb.edu.pl
Łukasz Gadomer, PhD, Eng 231 85 746 91 14 l.gadomer[at]pb.edu.pl
Wiktor Jakowluk, PhD, Eng 106 85 746 91 12 w.jakowluk[at]pb.edu.pl
Adam Klimowicz, PhD, Eng 132 85 746 91 60 a.klimowicz[at]pb.edu.pl
Patryk Milewski, MSc 8c   patryk.milewski[at]pb.edu.pl
Dawid Najda, MSc 8c   d.najda[at]pb.edu.pl
Mirosław Omieljanowicz, PhD, Eng 9c 85 746 91 08 m.omieljanowicz[at]pb.edu.pl
Prof. Valery Salauyou, DSc, PhD, Eng 139 85 746 91 11 v.salauyou[at]pb.edu.pl
Aleksander Sawicki, MSc 10C 85 746 91 08 a.sawicki[at]pb.edu.pl
Marcin Skoczylas, PhD, Eng 231 85 746 91 14 m.skoczylas[at]pb.edu.pl
Zenon A. Sosnowski, DSc, PhD 230 85 746 91 14 z.sosnowski[at]pb.edu.pl
Maciej Szymkowski, MSc 10C 85 746 91 08 m.szymkowski[at]pb.edu.pl
Paweł Tadejko, PhD, Eng 021 85 746 90 92 p.tadejko[at]pb.edu.pl
Sławomir Zieliński, DSc, PhD, Eng 7C 85 746 91 13 s.zielinski[at]pb.edu.pl

Research and scientific profile

The Department of Digital Media and Computer Graphics, formerly the Department of Real Time Systems, was established in 2000. The foundation was made up of employees related mainly to the subject of digital signal processing, who worked in the team of prof. Aleksander Piotrowski. Currently, the Department employs, inter alia, 4 professors and post-doctoral scientists and 8 doctors.

The main area of research and teaching activities carried out by the employees of the Department are issues correlated with biometrics, signal processing and analysis, in particular sound and image, using traditional methods as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence tools.

Another important area is the work related to digital technology and embedded systems, which are key in the Internet of Things industry. The whole is completed by the issues of human-computer communication, modern NUI interfaces (Natural User Interface) and Augmented Reality. The above-mentioned issues are very important elements of the Industry of the Future, also known as Industry 4.0.

  1. Research topicsScientific research conducted at the Department of Digital Media and Computer Graphics focuses on several main trends:
    • Biometrics; Recognition of people based on the methods of analyzing biometric data, body parts and signals collected by various devices;
    • Analysis of medical images (including the detection of lesions at various stages). Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in image classification;
    • Digital signal processing and analysis; audio signal processing techniques; object detection and classification in image processing;
    • Speech processing, with particular emphasis on the processing and coding of the speech signal; Signal decomposition techniques and block transforms;
    • Use of machine learning tools in the processing of audio and image signals;

    The topics and scope of research of individual employees include:

    • Expert systems. Knowledge representation; Processing uncertain knowledge. Inference methods under uncertainty;
    • Embedded systems on programmable circuits, finite state machine synthesis, design of control systems, high-level design of digital systems;
    • Robotics; Identification of objects and surroundings; Topological navigation algorithms based on an integrated data collection system;
    • Applications of image processing and recognition techniques, incl. automatic recognition of biomarker concentration (SPRi), recognition of dangerous objects in X-ray scanner images, recognition of objects on the road of the car;
    • The issues relate, inter alia, to classification of objects using texture features, R-CNN network, key point detection and segmentation algorithms.
    • Signal processing with the use of quaternions algebra and deep learning with particular emphasis on the series of time sensors of motion;
    • Application of machine learning algorithms, including deep learning, to automatically characterize spatial audio recordings;
    • Speech signal analysis using distorted transforms and signal subspace methods; Single-channel speech signal conditioning systems; Estimating noise in acoustic signals; Use of psychoacoustic phenomena in the processing of the speech signal;
    • Use of fuzzy random forests based on cluster models – fuzzy decision trees; Gesture recognition and issues related to drones and image analysis;
    • Designing control systems, in particular sequence systems based on programmable CPLD / FPGA systems;
    • Methods of logical synthesis, optimization of the footprint, speed of operation and consumed power;
    • Machine learning tools, cloud technologies and Cognitive Services in the process of codifying organizational knowledge and knowledge management;
    • Identification of dynamic systems: continuous, discrete, linear and nonlinear. Selection of optimal and friendly control signals in the task of identifying dynamic systems;
    • Technical information technology and telecommunications, with particular emphasis on the design of embedded systems and the design of digital circuits based on programmable CPLD / FPGA circuits;
    • “Information technology and telecommunications”, with particular emphasis on behavioral biometrics and the use of IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) measuring sensors
  2. Research projects carried out within the Department
    1. international projects:
      • International project Multifunctional Innovative Learning Assisting Network for VET in Advanced Manufacturing,The main goal of the MILAN project is the elaboration of an innovative training course in the field of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality usage in the education of Robotics and Automation. Project website http://milan-project.eu
      • European Network on Ion Track Technology (Contract HPRN-CT-2000-00047).
      • European RTN Marie Curie “CELLION” MRTN-CT-2003-503923
      • EURONS Contract number 506065
      • AVAL (Autonomous Vessel with an Air Look), POIR.04.01.04-00-0025/16-00
      • Modular surveying-inspecting system based on a flying multirotor platform powered from a ground station, POIR.01.02.00-00-0072/16
    2. national projects:
      • National project „MOOC@PB-Nowoczesne technologie w procesie kształcenia”
        As a part of the project, e-learning courses will be created on the Polish MOOC (massive open online course) educational platform available at navoica.pl. The courses will be intended for everyone interested in learning and acquiring new competences and skills. The courses will be free. The Faculty of Computer Science has prepared the following courses: Analysis and processing of biometric images, Human recognition using biometric methods
        Type of competition: Operational Program KNOWLEDGE EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT III. Higher education for the economy and development, 3.1 Competences in higher education.
      • Modular observation and inspection system based on a multi-rotor flying platform powered from a ground station (MISIO)
      • Autonomous Vessel with Air Look (AVAL)
        Project title: Application research in the field of navigation, control, communication and data exchange technologies between autonomous ships and aircraft.
        Project number: POIR.04.01.04-00-0025/16, http://aval-project.pl/
      • Vehicle sensor system for post-accident recognition with information transmission to the eCall reception desk
        Institution, type: NCBiR, Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 action 4.1, sub-action 4.1.2
      • Project Biometrics and telecare basics for personal computers, mobile devices and embedded systems („Podstawy biometrii i teleopieki na komputery osobiste, urządzenia mobilne i systemy wbudowane”),
        The Motorola Solutions Foundation – Thematic areas:
        The Motorola Solutions Foundation will focus its activities on two key areas: (1) technological and engineering education, and (2) public safety education. Programs that successfully combine these two content areas are a priority.
      • 2021: ZIREG – Integrated Program of Bialystok University of Technology for Regional Development – Development of teaching materials for the subject “Advanced Internet of Things”
      • Development of an e-learning course for the NAVOICA platform entitled “Introduction to sensor programming”. Works carried out as part of the project MOOC@PB (POWR.03.01.00-IP.08-00-MOC/18).
  3. Didactic activityThe employees of the Department of Digital Media and Computer Graphics conduct classes mainly related to the areas of signal processing (in particular in biometric applications), as well as the process of software development, with particular emphasis on design techniques and algorithms of multimedia systems. In addition, lectures include, among others parallel computing, operating systems, algorithms and statistical models.
    1. Obligatory courses
      • Processing of signals and images;
      • Mobile applications, communication interfaces and UX design;
      • Digital signal processing;
      • Analysis and processing of biometric images
      • Intelligent signal processing methods
      • Biometrics in human recognition
      • SoC systems in signal processing
      • Mobile systems; Systems of Mobile Devices and Applications;
      • Analysis and testing of information systems
      • Distributed Internet Systems
      • Advanced databases and data warehouses
      • Human-machine interaction
      • WLAN and the internet of everything
      • Advanced Internet Applications
      • Human-computer communication
      • Basics of programing
      • Basics of electronics and electrical engineering
      • Computer Networks
      • Computer Architecture
      • Wireless Networks
      • IT Project Management
      • Embedded Systems
      • Digital Circuit Engineering
      • Electronic systems and measurement technology;
      • Modeling and simulation methods;
    2. Elective courses
      • Computer Science in Robotics; Mobile Robots
      • Elements of Automation and Robotics
      • Virtual Reality
      • 3D visualization and modeling
      • Expert Systems, Fuzzy Systems
      • Programming of graphics accelerators
      • Game programming
      • Microcontroller programming
      • Teleinformatics (ICT)
      • SoC Design
      • SoC in signal processing
      • Introduction to rhetoric, communication and public speaking;
  4. Scientific Circles
    • The Mobile Intelligent Systems Research Circle. MSI is dedicated to programming and building robots. LEGO Mindstorms NXT http://msi.pb.edu.pl, organizer of the international robot tournament EastROBO https://eastrobo.pl
    • The aim of the Scientific Circle of Game Developers is to familiarize students and high school students with the process of creating computer games and to promote games, not only as entertainment, but also as a form of expression and learning. It organizes an annual tournament in game programming – BialJam. http://bialjam.wi.pb.edu.pl/
    • Biometrics, Image and Signal Analysis and Processing Research Group
      The main interests of the group are Biometrics and Image Analysis. It consists of researchers, PhD students and undergraduates interested in solving theoretical and practical problems in biometrics.
  5. Competitions & Conferences
    • CISIM Conference – International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, od 2003 roku
      „Computer Information Systems and their applications in Image Analysis and Processing, Biometrics in both behavioral and physiological categories comprise researches in Information Processing Systems and Human Identification and Recognition Techniques.”, strona http://cisim2020.wi.pb.edu.pl/
    • Knowledge Mining and Representation Technologies, annual, 14 editions since 2006,
      The conference will be devoted to the broadly understood problem of information technologies of knowledge mining and representation, in particular in the field of medical and social sciences, website http://irys.wi.pb.edu.pl/terw
    • Scientific Workshops of PTSK “Simulation in Research and Development”, since 1993, 26 editions – Polish Society for Computer Simulation, the basic form of activity of the Polish Society for Computer Simulation strona http://www.ptsk.pl/warsztaty
    • XXI National Conference on Software Engineering KKIO’2019
      KKIO is a conference on software engineering organized every year by PTI – Polish Informatics Society, website http://kkio.pti.org.pl/2019/
    • Conference AES – XI Symposium AES: New trends in audio and video. “New Trends in Audio and Video”, September 2006, Bialystok, Poland, Bialystok University of Technology, Audio Engineering Society. Polish Section, MCiGK as the organizer
    • International Robot Tournament EastROBO – is an initiative of Mobile Intelligent Systems research club. The event is unique in Eastern Poland. It is a combination of international robot competition and trade fairs of companies operating in the field of robotics and modern technology.
    • BialJam – Bialystok’s Computer Games Creation Competition. BialJam is a kind of Hackathon – programmers, graphic designers, 3D designers meet on 48 hours of computer games creation competition. Website http://bialjam.wi.pb.edu.pl

Individual research grants

Dual-mode biometric user recognition system

Kamil Malinowski, MSc (k.malinowski [at] doktoranci.pb.edu.pl

Objective Audio Quality Assessment in Multimedia Systems

Paweł Antoniuk, MSc (pawel.antoniuk [at] doktoranci.pb.edu.pl

Haptics technologies and hybrid artificial intelligence for biometrics-based human identity recognition

Maciej Szymkowski, MSc m.szymkowski [at] pb.edu.pl 2022 – 2024


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