Faculty of Computer Science

Department of Information Systems and Computer Networks

Head of Department – Prof. Jarosław Stepaniuk, DSc, PhD

j.stepaniuk [at] pb.edu.pl 

The Department of Information Systems and Computer Networks employs, four professors and post-doctoral fellow, as well as five staff members with PhD degrees and five master engineers. They are involved in solving problems connected with artificial intelligence systems as well as current problems related to computer networks, with particular emphasis on security.

Scientific and didactic employees

Name and surname Room Phone E-mail
Eugenia Busłowska, PhD, Eng B9 85 746 91 65 e.buslowska [at] pb.edu.pl
Andrzej Chmielewski, PhD, Eng A119 85 746 90 53, 85 746 91 77 a.chmielewski [at] pb.edu.pl
Mateusz Choromański, MSc, Eng A215 85 746 90 79 m.choromanski [at] pb.edu.pl
Jacek Grekow, DSc, PhD, Eng A126 85 746 91 69 j.grekow [at] pb.edu.pl
Tomasz Grześ, PhD, Eng A131 85 746 91 60 t.grzes [at] pb.edu.pl
Piotr Hońko, DSc, PhD A107 85 746 91 09 p.honko [at] pb.edu.pl
Dariusz Jankowski, MSc, Eng A110 85 746 91 65 d.jankowski [at] pb.edu.pl
Izabela Justyna Kartowicz-Stolarska, MSc, Eng B9 85 746 91 65 i.stolarska [at] pb.edu.pl
Marek Kopczewski, MSc, Eng C8 85 746 91 08 marek.kopczewski [at] pb.edu.pl
Maciej Kopczyński, PhD, Eng A137 85 746 91 77 m.kopczynski [at] pb.edu.pl
Urszula Kużelewska, PhD, Eng A137 85 746 91 77 u.kuzelewska [at] pb.edu.pl
Szymon Leszczyński, Msc, Eng B9 85 746 91 65 szymon.leszczynski [at] pb.edu.pl
Ireneusz Mrozek, DSc, PhD, Eng B9, A117 85 746 91 65, 85 746 96 64 i.mrozek [at] pb.edu.pl
Prof. Jarosław Stepaniuk, DSc, PhD  A124 85 746 90 54 j.stepaniuk [at] pb.edu.pl

Research and scientific profile

The scientific work conducted in the Department of Information Systems and Computer Networks includes:

  • development of artificial intelligence methods, including:
    • recommender systems
    • conversation systems
    • generation of music with specific emotions
    • granular computing and Polish School of Artificial Intelligence – methods of rough sets
  • processing methods of uncertain and incomplete information,
  • data mining and analysis,
  • artificial immune systems and their use in security of computer systems and networks, and data classification
  • an application of transparent tests for RAM in the BIST schemes
  • using FPGAs for data mining

Examples of R&D projects

  • 2020 – 2023: The National Centre for Research and Development grant „Audit model based on the methodology of continuous risk assessment and control mechanisms using statistical methods and artificial intelligence”
  • 2020-2022: Implementation of a project in the field of artificial intelligence in conversational systems (Next Sell 2.0)

Didactic activities

The department staff teach courses related to the areas of advanced artificial intelligence and data mining systems, as well as the areas of computer networks and their security. In addition, classes are conducted in database systems, in designing and creating WWW applications, programming mobile devices and issues related to the Internet of Things (IoT). The department offers a humanities subject – “Introduction to Listening to Classical Music”.

In addition, the department runs a specialization in “Intelligent Internet Technologies” at the graduate studies and two courses at the postgraduate studies:

  1. Computer Systems and Networks Security.
  2. Cyber Security (with NASK)

We teach students:

  • artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques,
  • data mining methods
  • Linux systems and their administration
  • computer networks,
  • methods of managing computer networks and network traffic,
  • issues related to the implementation of network applications, mobile devices and web applications programming
  • cyber security,
  • development of secure web and database applications
  • issues related to databases
  • Issues related to the Internet of Things (IoT)

The didactic activities of the Department include such subjects as following:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Recommender Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Wireless networks
  • Introduction to Linux
  • Linux Administration
  • Internet of things
  • Database Security
  • Internet Applications Based on Components
  • Web Applications Development in Java
  • WWW Applications Programming in .NET Technology

Scientific circle

Go Security – scientific circle connected with cyber security. Classes are held in the form of practical classes and lectures carried out together with experts from EY Technology Consulting.

Organisational activities

The Department’s employees (Andrzej Chmielewski, Tomasz Grześ, Ireneusz Mrozek) have performed and continue to perform important organisational functions in the authorities of the Faculty of Computer Science.

For many years, the department staff have been co-organisers of the Wojewódzki Konkurs Informatyczny for primary schools. They conduct cyclic lectures for high school students, e.g. for the Zespół Szkół Elektrycznych in Białystok, or online lectures as part of cooperation with the Centrum Kompetencji Białostockiego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego, and they conduct classes for children as part of the Podlaski Uniwersytet Dziecięcy. Moreover, they actively participated in the organisation of the last two editions of the Programistok programming conference, which took place at the Białystok University of Technology. For several years they were also mentors to teams as part of the ImagineCup competition.

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