Faculty of Computer Science

Department of Theoretical Computer Science

Head of the Department – Prof. Czesław Bagiński, DSc, PhD

c.baginski [at] pb.edu.pl 

Scientific and didactic employees

Name and surname Room Phone E-mail
Anna  Borowska, PhD, Eng 17C 85 746 91 16 a.borowska[at]pb.edu.pl
Irena Bułatowa, PhD, Eng 133 85 746 91 60 i.bulatowa[at]pb.edu.pl
Marzena Filipowicz-Chomko, PhD 117 85 746 90 58 m.filipowicz[at]pb.edu.pl
Prof. Piotr Grzeszczuk, DSc, PhD 141 85 746 97 58 p.grzeszczuk[at]pb.edu.pl
Magdalena Kacprzak, PhD 236   m.kacprzak[at]pb.edu.pl
Joanna Karbowska-Chilińska, PhD 211 85 746 90 59 j.karbowska[at]pb.edu.pl
Jolanta Koszelew, PhD 110 85 746 91 01 j.koszelew[at]pb.edu.pl
Małgorzata Krętowska, DSc, PhD, Eng 229 85 746 90 95 m.kretowska[at]pb.edu.pl
Ryszard Mazurek, DSc, PhD 13C 85 746 91 67 r.mazurek[at]pb.edu.pl
Joanna Olbryś, DSc, PhD 109 85 746 91 04 j.olbrys[at]pb.edu.pl
Krzysztof Ostrowski, PhD, Eng 110 85 746 91 01 k.ostrowski[at]pb.edu.pl
Prof. Ewa Roszkowska, DSc, PhD 111 85 746 91 03 e.roszkowska[at]pb.edu.pl

Research and scientific profile

  1. Scientific activity:

There are several separate research areas of our activity:

  • genetic algorithms and artificial intelligence methods in solving specific practical problems,
  • verification and specification of the properties of multi-agent systems,
  • the use of IT tools and information theory in study of capital markets, economics and finance,
  • data analysis methods and tools in social sciences,
  • noncommutative algebra and graph theory.

The research scopes of individual members of the Department cover the following issues:

  • route optimization of unmanned aerial vehicles in autonomous marine navigation systems,
  • application of artificial intelligence methods in the issues of survival data analysis,
  • application of artificial intelligence methods in transport issues,
  • graph algorithms in the optimization of vehicle fleet management,
  • satisfiability checking of strategic logic formulas applied to the verification and specification of the properties of multi-agent systems,
  • use of IT tools in capital market research, with emphasis on the market microstructure,
  • data analysis methods and tools in social sciences,
  • application of information theory in economics and finance,
  • negotiation theory,
  • behavioral aspects of decision making,
  • multi-criteria decision support,
  • application of comparative analysis methods in economics,
  • description of some classes of associative rings, including rings with differentiations,
  • description of the properties of rings in terms of ideals,
  • selected topics of the theory of semigroups,
  • Hopf algebras,
  • applications of finite groups in geometry,
  • group algebras of finite groups,
  • selected topics of algebraic graph theory,
  • analytical geometry in practice, offset curves and surfaces, approximation of offsets.

The Department realized the National Science Center project number 2016/21/B/HS4/02004 (2017-2020). Several members of the Department took part in projects financed by the National Science Center carried out in other institutions.

  1. Education activity: the Department members teach the following course lectures at the Faculty of Computer Science:
  • linear algebra with analytical geometry,
  • algebra,
  • applied algebra,
  • algorithms and data structures,
  • Database,
  • operational research,
  • econometrics,
  • financial engineering,
  • logic for IT specialists,
  • logic and set theory,
  • discrete mathematics,
  • experimental mathematics,
  • financial mathematics,
  • probabilistic methods and statistics,
  • scientific calculations in practice,
  • entrepreneurship,
  • neural networks,
  • number theory and cryptography,,
  • portfolio theory,
  • introduction to computer science.

Additionally the Department members offer the following lectures:

  • algebraic coding theory,
  • history of mathematics,
  • insurance mathematics,
  • methods and tools to support negotiations,
  • graph theory,
  • graph and network algorithms in applications,
  • creating database applications,
  • selected topics of discrete mathematics in IT applications,
  • management of the investment portfolio.
  1. Student research circles

The employees of the Department run two student research groups:

  • Math4You: the main goal of the Club is to popularize mathematics and develop a passion for research. Members of the Club participate in the organization of cyclical events popularizing mathematics, such as Podlasie Mathematics Days or Pi Day.
  • Algebra Student Research Circle: the main goal of the Circle is to spread the knowledge of algebra and related fields among students, beyond the subject of the course lectures.
  1. Competitions and events organized (co-organized) by the Department members:
  • Bialystok University of Technology Mathematics Competition – an annual competition for high school students organized since 2003.

Department members participate in the organization of the following competitions:

  • Białystok IT Scientists Test – an annual competition of IT knowledge and skills, addressed to students of Podlasie universities and Polish secondary school students, co-organized with renowned IT companies and other companies employing IT specialists in our region..
  • Applied Mathematics,
  • International Competition Naboj,

and in events

  • Podlasie Days of Mathematics,
  • Pi Day

As part of the Faculty’s cooperation with primary and secondary schools of the region, the employees of the Department offer lectures promoting mathematics and computer science. Some of the employees are members of the Mathematics Popularization Center ‘Signum’.

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