Wydział Informatyki PB

Seminarium wydziałowe, 05.06.2024 o godzinie w 13:00 w sali 128.

Graficzne przedstawienie 1 osoby przed stołem
Zapraszamy na seminarium wydziałowe, które odbędzie się 05.06.2024 o godzinie w 13:00 w sali 128.
 Prelegent: mgr inż. Przemyslaw Jopa, Szkoła Doktorska PB
Tytuł wystąpienia:  Multi-diff: Comparing Multiple Versions of Program Files
Abstract: Diff utility has been widely used to analyze similarities and
 differences between textual files.  Comparing two files line by line,
 diff produces a list of instructions (such as add/change/delete line)
 that when applied to one file produce the other one.  Software clones
 are similar code fragments.  Both diff and clone detection are often
 used to compare program files.  In some domains, there is a need to find
 similarities and differences among multiple file versions and express
 the result of such comparison in an easy to understand and process form.
 Unfortunately, basic concepts of pair-wise comparison of diff method
 cannot be applied to compare multiple files.  On the other hand, clone
 detectors can help programmers do preliminary analysis only, which must
 be followed by much manual work.  We propose multi-diff, a fully
 automated method and tool, as an attempt to tap on strengths of diff and
 clone detection, while overcoming their limitations for multiple file
 comparison. While our method can be applied to any textual files, we concentrate
 mainly on files with source code, with potential application in
 re-engineering legacy code for reuse.

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