Szanowni Państwo, Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium pt. „Redundancy in Source Programs – On The Evolution of Programming Concepts”
Prelegentem będzie Prof. Dr. Ulrich Eisenecker,
Leipzig University, Informations Systems Institute
Seminarium odbędzie się w środę 21.06, o godzinie 12:15 w sali 130.
Abstract: Today, there are thousands of programming languages featuring many programming concepts in lots of variants. But, what drives the evolution of programming languages? The hypothesis is introduced, that evolution actually happens on the level of programming concepts with an important selection criterion being the power of a programming concept to reduce redundancy in source programs. After defining redundancy in source programs a structural evaluation of the hypothesis will be presented using exemplary programming concepts. Various approaches for measuring redundancy of source programs will be proposed. The results of the analysis support the initial hypothesis. Nevertheless, further approaches, especially empirical evaluations, are required to scrutinize the hypothesis. Some of them will be sketched in the conclusion.
Ulrich W. Eisenecker is a full professor for business information systems at the Leipzig University, Germany (,where he also served as dean of the faculty. Before he was professor for computer science at the University of Kaiserslautern, location Zweibrücken, Germany, and at the University of Applied Sciences of Heidelberg, Germany. Furthermore he spent nearly a decade in industry, among other companies Daimler-Benz AG. He obtained his doctoral and masters degree in german ohilology and psychology from the University of Mannheim, Germany. He is co-author of the book „Generative Programming” (Addison-Wesley, 2000), which is regarded as founding work of the area. His current research focuses on generative software engineering, software product lines, e-assessment, software-visualization in 3D and VR, and the evolution of programming concepts as well.