Wydział Informatyki PB

Seminarium wydziałowe, 15.01.2020, Profesor Sorin Olaru

Graficzne przedstawienie 1 osoby przed stołem

Szanowni Państwo,

zapraszamy na seminarium wydziałowe, które odbędzie się 15.01.2020 o godzinie w 13:15 w sali 130.

Prelegentem będzie Profesor Sorin Olaru, Paris-Saclay University, Francja

Tytuł wystąpienia: Positive invariant sets for (linear) time-delay systems

Streszczenie: The aim of this talk is to discuss the (positive) set invariance concepts for linear time-delay systems. When described in discrete-time, these dynamics allow different set-invariance formulations according to the state space representation. A series of classical and novel existence conditions will be discussed in this framework. On a broader scope it will be shown that set-factorization represents a generalized framework for the characterization of such families of invariant sets. The links with the stability, robustness and applications to mode detection and constrained control design will be also mentioned.

Sorin Olaru is a Professor in CentraleSupélec and member of the CNRS Laboratory of Signals and Systems, both organizations being part of the Paris-Saclay University in France. His research interests are encompassing the optimization-based control design, set-theoretic characterization of constrained dynamical systems as well as the numerical methods in optimization and control. He is currently involved in research projects related to embedded predictive control, fault tolerant control and network control (time-delay) systems.

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