Wydział Informatyki PB

Seminarium: Medical decision analysis with probabilistic graphical models, 26 czerwca, 12:15

Szanowni Państwo, Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium pt. „Medical decision analysis with probabilistic graphical models”

Prelegentem będzie Prof. Francisco Javier Diez, Department of Artificial Intelligence, UNED, Madryt, Hiszpania.

Seminarium odbędzie się 26 czerwca (poniedziałek), o godzinie 12:15 w sali 128.


In the first decades of artificial intelligence, many researchers

doubted or denied that probability could play a significant role in this

field. The situation changed with the advent of probabilistic graphical

models, such as Bayesian networks, influence diagrams, and factored

Markov decision processes. Nowadays these models are more and more used

in all the fields of artificial intelligence, especially in medicine,

because of their decision-theoretic foundation and their ability to

combine expert knowledge with data. This seminar will offer an overview

of probabilistic graphical models and show several networks for complex

medical problems built at the Center for Intelligent Decision-Support

Systems (CISIAD) of the National University for Distance Education

(UNED) in Madrid, Spain, ranging from medical diagnosis to

cost-effectiveness analysis. It will also present an open-source

software package for probabilistic graphical models, OpenMarkov, built

at the same center.


Krótkie bio: http://www.ia.uned.es/~fjdiez/biography.html

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